Monday, June 14, 2010


Day post drinking, was feeling a bit lonely, kinda downer the way I sometimes get, but got to sleep in and got through the interview just fine. Also, while fresh in mind, we just walked blocks and blocks in search of an ice cream place in downtown (business district) only to find one across the street from our hotel. Not only that, but we also paid about 6 bucks for it- given it was from sweeden or something, but 6 bucks really really? Then we crossed the street to the convenience store to grab a delicious 1 dollar cracker ice cream sandwich… oh boy. We’re all getting really good at finding our way around a 10 block radius, and actually got the few key metro stations figured out as well. Note, when riding escalators, the standing side is on the right and the walking is on the left; elevators, there is no order for going in and out, rushing it at the same time is perfectly acceptable. Most of all, when using public transport, and going in and out, do not stop moving, if only to move side to side. To stop is to confuse and halt the overall system.
One great thing about this time difference is finally being able to watch some of the better world cup games at a decent hour. Right now Japan is taking on Cameroon, and its just about 7AM back home.

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