Monday, June 14, 2010

sleep, eat, sleep

Just came back from a dinner, to which I was late to… I decided to take a nap, guess I slept through the alarm, doorbell, knocking, and finally, luckily woke up only about 10-15 minutes late (AIYA) to the phone ringing. Good thing dinner was in the lobby of our hotel. What a dinner it was! we got to meet entrepreneurs, professors, and businessmen, who are connected through somewhat of a business fraternity. But the feature was really the dinner… unfortunately, and completely out of character for me, lunch still had me full up to my ears. We did however have wine, and many many occasions to toast one another. Everything from drunken chicken to a nice fish were served with everything in between, I wasn’t sure how much I could handle, and the food just kept on coming! We all left the dinner feeling extremely full, and somewhat swollen- we decided it must be the salt levels or something. Puffy was the theme of the night. Looks like an early night in. the weather took a turn for the wetness, and everyone is kinda pooped from the day- they didn’t all get a nice nap like me!
“xi gua tian bu tian” = say cheese! (is the watermelon sweet or not)

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