Monday, June 14, 2010

dragons in taiwan

We kicked our Sunday off with an early morning watching some Dragon Boat festival (racing). It’s basically a crazy 500m dash culminating when the boat crosses the finish line of flags. However, there’s a catch, when the boat crosses the line, one member (typically chosen for their small size) leans out on the helm of the boat (on top of the dragon head) and grabs/tosses the flag out of its base into the air! No flag, no victory. Then we went to see Taipei 101, a huge huge mall/building- which was a little to busy and cloudy to make going to the top a worthwhile adventure today. Then to a multi-story book store, then to a Japanese lunch with ping’s family complete with a plate full of sashimi (my favorite)! Also, I got a sim card, and will hopefully “break/crack” my phone later tonight so it works, and then over to Sun Yet Sun memorial! Now, back to our hotel for some R&R and hopefully a night out on the town- at least as far as we can go that is…

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