Monday, June 14, 2010


Day post drinking, was feeling a bit lonely, kinda downer the way I sometimes get, but got to sleep in and got through the interview just fine. Also, while fresh in mind, we just walked blocks and blocks in search of an ice cream place in downtown (business district) only to find one across the street from our hotel. Not only that, but we also paid about 6 bucks for it- given it was from sweeden or something, but 6 bucks really really? Then we crossed the street to the convenience store to grab a delicious 1 dollar cracker ice cream sandwich… oh boy. We’re all getting really good at finding our way around a 10 block radius, and actually got the few key metro stations figured out as well. Note, when riding escalators, the standing side is on the right and the walking is on the left; elevators, there is no order for going in and out, rushing it at the same time is perfectly acceptable. Most of all, when using public transport, and going in and out, do not stop moving, if only to move side to side. To stop is to confuse and halt the overall system.
One great thing about this time difference is finally being able to watch some of the better world cup games at a decent hour. Right now Japan is taking on Cameroon, and its just about 7AM back home.

dragons in taiwan

We kicked our Sunday off with an early morning watching some Dragon Boat festival (racing). It’s basically a crazy 500m dash culminating when the boat crosses the finish line of flags. However, there’s a catch, when the boat crosses the line, one member (typically chosen for their small size) leans out on the helm of the boat (on top of the dragon head) and grabs/tosses the flag out of its base into the air! No flag, no victory. Then we went to see Taipei 101, a huge huge mall/building- which was a little to busy and cloudy to make going to the top a worthwhile adventure today. Then to a multi-story book store, then to a Japanese lunch with ping’s family complete with a plate full of sashimi (my favorite)! Also, I got a sim card, and will hopefully “break/crack” my phone later tonight so it works, and then over to Sun Yet Sun memorial! Now, back to our hotel for some R&R and hopefully a night out on the town- at least as far as we can go that is…

out and about

just ate some food I felt I could’ve blown bubbles with. It was a corn starch-egg-omelet thing, good, but chewwwwy! Break time for about 20 minutes, then back for a steel company interview. This morning went well, Herbalife, had a cookies and crème protein drink… I think, then went to a mall that was absolutely gigantic! And had a death-star-esq ball contained within the building!
Tension Steel went well, in fact I can probably contact Kevin (our interviewee) when I head off to MTI. A solid interview though.

sleep, eat, sleep

Just came back from a dinner, to which I was late to… I decided to take a nap, guess I slept through the alarm, doorbell, knocking, and finally, luckily woke up only about 10-15 minutes late (AIYA) to the phone ringing. Good thing dinner was in the lobby of our hotel. What a dinner it was! we got to meet entrepreneurs, professors, and businessmen, who are connected through somewhat of a business fraternity. But the feature was really the dinner… unfortunately, and completely out of character for me, lunch still had me full up to my ears. We did however have wine, and many many occasions to toast one another. Everything from drunken chicken to a nice fish were served with everything in between, I wasn’t sure how much I could handle, and the food just kept on coming! We all left the dinner feeling extremely full, and somewhat swollen- we decided it must be the salt levels or something. Puffy was the theme of the night. Looks like an early night in. the weather took a turn for the wetness, and everyone is kinda pooped from the day- they didn’t all get a nice nap like me!
“xi gua tian bu tian” = say cheese! (is the watermelon sweet or not)

day one fun

first day going well so far. Woke up around 630… but working on getting acclimated. I am going to eat my stomach into tolerance. Had a rough start yesterday, but this morning is going great. first interview with Franz, an amazing company who deals in porcelin. They wouldn’t let us video interview them, but their collections were outstanding!!! We also met Ping’s in-laws who are so nice, and wealthy, they keep showing us the jewelry in their shop- truly first class things, leaves me feeling a little ridiculous being surrounded by so many shiny things.
Hot pot lunch, a warm muggy day, and now some downtime… maybe hit the gym to work off the huge lunch which included a dipping sauce self serve station with raw eggs which I just had to sample… when in rome right! But then we walked back to the jewelry store which has sort of become our makeshift home base, and were offered some traditional Taiwanese “cookie”, much like mooncake with bits of salted meat in it. Maj, you and popie, and all the yee women would have loved the porceline store- we’re going to check out their restaurant this Saturday night hopefully for some dinner and music!
Dads, you would have loved the hot pot, it was like 9 dollars and I am sneakily full.
Also, I finished my book on the plane and am tempted to wait until the return flight to start in on my other, but if anyone has read The Hunger Games let me know so we can discuss.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

travel day

24 hours later and I am finally here! after all the planning, and packing, and testing... I am finally here... whew. and our accommodations are incredible, seriously incredible. got at least a 30 in TV, sweeeeet soft beds, a room to myself, and a bday (spelling?), the butt-spraying toilet!!! met this sushi chef on the way over... but more on that later, right now i need a shower a sleep, and possibly another poop... let the tip toeing begin!